ArcGIS REST Services Directory Login

Legend (District_Plan_Public)

Designation (10)
Precinct (62)
Precincts and Development Areas Precincts and Development Areas
Multi Title Site (63)
Development Area (64)
Residential Zones (65)
Large Lot Residential Zone Large Lot Residential Zone
Low Density Residential Zone Low Density Residential Zone
General Residential Zone General Residential Zone
Medium Density Residential Zone Medium Density Residential Zone
Rural Zones (66)
Rural Production Zone Rural Production Zone
Rural Lifestyle Zone Rural Lifestyle Zone
Settlement Zone Residential Sub-Zone Settlement Zone Residential Sub-Zone
Settlement Zone Centre Sub-Zone Settlement Zone Centre Sub-Zone
Settlement Zone Industry Sub-Zone Settlement Zone Industry Sub-Zone
Future Urban Zone Future Urban Zone
Strategic Rural Industries Zone Strategic Rural Industries Zone
Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing SRIZ – Ancillary Irrigation Farms Fonterra Kauri Milk Processing SRIZ – Ancillary Irrigation Farms
Commercial and Mixed Use Zones (67)
Local Centre Zone Local Centre Zone
Neighbourhood Centre Zone Neighbourhood Centre Zone
Commercial Zone Commercial Zone
Mixed Use Zone Mixed Use Zone
Town Centre Zone Town Centre Zone
City Centre Zone City Centre Zone
Waterfront Zone Waterfront Zone
Shopping Centre Zone Shopping Centre Zone
Industrial Zones (68)
Light Industrial Zone Light Industrial Zone
Heavy Industrial Zone Heavy Industrial Zone
Open Space and Recreation Zones (61)
Natural Open Space Zone Natural Open Space Zone
Open Space Zone Open Space Zone
Sport and Active Recreation Zone Sport and Active Recreation Zone
Special Purpose Zones (70)
Airport Zone Airport Zone
Hospital Zone Hospital Zone
Port Zone Port Zone
Ruakaka Equine Zone Ruakaka Equine Zone
Airport Runway (19)
Indicative Road (11)
Road Hierarchy (12)
National National
Regional Regional
Arterial Arterial
Primary Collector Primary Collector
Secondary Collector Secondary Collector
Low Volume Low Volume
Access Access
Strategic Road Protection Area (indicative only) (13)
Strategic Railway Line Protection Area (76)
Rescue Helicopter Flight Path (15)
Electricity Towers (16)
National Grid Tower National Grid Tower
Northpower Tower CEL-Cat1 Northpower Tower CEL-Cat1
Critical Electricity Lines (17)
National Grid Line National Grid Line
Northpower Overhead Critical Line Cel-Cat1 Northpower Overhead Critical Line Cel-Cat1
Northpower Lines (18)
Northpower Critical Overhead Lines CEL Northpower Critical Overhead Lines CEL
Northpower Critical Underground Lines CEL Northpower Critical Underground Lines CEL
Coastal Erosion Hazard (20)
Coastal Hazard 1 Coastal Hazard 1
Coastal Hazard 2 Coastal Hazard 2
Flood Susceptible Areas (77)
Mining Hazards (22)
Mining Hazard Area 1 Mining Hazard Area 1
Mining Hazard Area 2 Mining Hazard Area 2
Mining Hazard Area 3 Mining Hazard Area 3
Notable Tree Overlay (30)
Heritage Item Overlay (31)
Heritage Area Overlay (32)
Sites of Significance to Maori (33)
Areas of Significance to Maori (34)
Papakāinga (35)
Esplanade Priority Area (40)
Coastal Marine Area (CMA) boundary (41)
Goat Control Areas (42)
Mineral Extraction Area (43)
QRA Quarrying Resource Area QRA Quarrying Resource Area
QRA Mining Area QRA Mining Area
QRA Buffer Area QRA Buffer Area
QRA 500m Indicative Setback QRA 500m Indicative Setback
Outstanding Natural Feature (44)
Outstanding Natural Landscape (45)
Air Noise Boundary (50)
Outer Control Boundary (51)
Helicopter Hovering Area (52)
Rail noise control boundary (54)
State Highway noise control boundary (55)
Fonterra noise control boundary (56)
Rail noise alert area (57)
Rail vibration alert area (58)
Coastal Environment Overlay (59)
Natural Character Areas (60)
Outstanding Natural Character Area Outstanding Natural Character Area
High Natural Character Area High Natural Character Area