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District_Plan_Change_1_Land_Instability (MapServer)

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Service Description:

High and Moderate Susceptibility to Land Instability for the purpose of District Plan Change 1 - Natural Hazards.

This landslide susceptibility assessment is intended to be a high-level tool for identifying areas that are susceptible to landsliding across the District, based on mapped landslide and instability features and the relationship between geology and slope angles.

This susceptibility assessment does not remove the requirement for site specific assessment at the time of subdivision, change in land use, or building works that would require consent in a site suitability report. Site specific assessments are required to be undertaken by a geotechnical professional to confirm the susceptibility class and the suitability of each site for development. The map should be read in conjunction with the T+T report dated October 2020, reference 1012149.3000.

Additional Notes:

Due to the size of the study area, field validation has not been undertaken for the entire District. Areas visited in the field were chosen to target areas of uncertainty in the mapping, areas of complex geological boundaries, and in areas to confirm susceptibilities observed through aerial mapping.

Where a site to be developed has multiple susceptibility zones shown it is considered prudent to assume the highest level of susceptibility and undertake the corresponding level of assessment recommended in the EES (e.g. a site with areas of low, moderate and high susceptibility would require an assessment meeting criteria of a high level investigation).

Map Name: District Plan Change 1 Land Instability


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Layers: Description:

High and Moderate Susceptibility to Land Instability for the purpose of District Plan Change 1 - Natural Hazards.

This landslide susceptibility assessment is intended to be a high-level tool for identifying areas that are susceptible to landsliding across the District, based on mapped landslide and instability features and the relationship between geology and slope angles.

This susceptibility assessment does not remove the requirement for site specific assessment at the time of subdivision, change in land use, or building works that would require consent in a site suitability report. Site specific assessments are required to be undertaken by a geotechnical professional to confirm the susceptibility class and the suitability of each site for development. The map should be read in conjunction with the T+T report dated October 2020, reference 1012149.3000.

Additional Notes:

Due to the size of the study area, field validation has not been undertaken for the entire District. Areas visited in the field were chosen to target areas of uncertainty in the mapping, areas of complex geological boundaries, and in areas to confirm susceptibilities observed through aerial mapping.

Where a site to be developed has multiple susceptibility zones shown it is considered prudent to assume the highest level of susceptibility and undertake the corresponding level of assessment recommended in the EES (e.g. a site with areas of low, moderate and high susceptibility would require an assessment meeting criteria of a high level investigation).

Service Item Id: f9bfd000843143609f80ce0790a6670f

Copyright Text: Tonkin & Taylor Ltd. PO Box 5271, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141.

Spatial Reference: 2193  (2193)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

Resampling: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 200000

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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