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Coastal erosion hazard zones were developed by external experts in 2020, and are derived by empirical calculations including coastal geomorphology, geology, wave action, and historic shoreline movement. 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Coastal flood hazard zones were developed by 3 different external expert consultants in 2020. The layers are derived by advanced models using empirical calculations including tide gauge and extreme water level analysis, wind records and wave models, and used the 2019 LiDAR DEM. <\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

Three different models were used to construct the coastal flood layers: a full-coastline \u2018bathtub model\u2019 (Tonkin and Taylor, 2020), and two hydrodynamic models for Rangaunu (eCoast, 2020) and Kaipara (DHI, 2019) harbor. The reports detailing the methodologies can be accessed from the NRC website.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -4020900, "falseY": 1900, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 1, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "NRC Natural Hazards; Tonkin + Taylor; DHI; eCoast", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 200000, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 73, 78, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 0, 73, 78, 255 ], "width": 0.4 } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 50, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": 1716934.1025, "ymin": 6009139.0903, "xmax": 1743749.6600000001, "ymax": 6092898.8003, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -4020900, "falseY": 1900, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayField": "Name", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "OBJECTID", "domain": null }, { "name": "Name", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Name", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "CFHZ0", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "CFHZ0", "domain": null }, { "name": "Model", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Model", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "SOURCE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "SOURCE", "length": 150, "domain": null }, { "name": "Version", "type": "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias": "Version", "length": 8, "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "SHAPE", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE.STArea()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE.STArea()", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE.STLength()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE.STLength()", "domain": null } ], "geometryField": { "name": "SHAPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "SHAPE" }, "indexes": [ { "name": "R125_pk", "fields": "OBJECTID", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" }, { "name": "S105_idx", "fields": "SHAPE", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" } ], "subtypes": [], "relationships": [], "canModifyLayer": true, "canScaleSymbols": false, "hasLabels": false, "capabilities": "Query,Map,Data", "maxRecordCount": 2000, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "hasM": true, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "isDataVersioned": false, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {"allowOthersToQuery": true}, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportedSpatialRelationships": [ "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "esriSpatialRelContains", "esriSpatialRelCrosses", "esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects", "esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects", "esriSpatialRelOverlaps", "esriSpatialRelTouches", "esriSpatialRelWithin", "esriSpatialRelRelation" ], "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsPercentileStatistics": true, "supportsHavingClause": true, "supportsOrderBy": true, "supportsDistinct": true, "supportsCountDistinct": true, "supportsPagination": true, "supportsLod": false, "supportsQueryWithLodSR": false, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsSqlExpression": true, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsSqlFormat": false, "supportsQueryAnalytic": true }, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "advancedQueryAnalyticCapabilities": { "supportsLinearRegression": true, "supportsAsync": false, "supportsPercentileAnalytic": true }, "dateFieldsTimeReference": null, "preferredTimeReference": null, "datesInUnknownTimezone": false, "hasGeometryProperties": true, "geometryProperties": { "shapeAreaFieldName": "SHAPE.STArea()", "shapeLengthFieldName": "SHAPE.STLength()", "units": "esriMeters", "mapUnits": {"uwkid": 9001} }, "hasMetadata": true, "isDataArchived": false, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "currentVersion": 11.1, "cimVersion": "3.1.0", "id": 2, "name": "CFHA 1 - 50years", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "

Coastal flood hazard zones were developed by 3 different external expert consultants in 2020. The layers are derived by advanced models using empirical calculations including tide gauge and extreme water level analysis, wind records and wave models, and used the 2019 LiDAR DEM. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Three different models were used to construct the coastal flood layers: a full-coastline \u2018bathtub model\u2019 (Tonkin and Taylor, 2020), and two hydrodynamic models for Rangaunu (eCoast, 2020) and Kaipara (DHI, 2019) harbor. The reports detailing the methodologies can be accessed from the NRC website.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -4020900, "falseY": 1900, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 1, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "NRC Natural Hazards; Tonkin + Taylor; DHI; eCoast", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 200000, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 166, 165, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 0, 166, 165, 255 ], "width": 0.4 } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 50, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": 1716909.0869000005, "ymin": 6009111.309, "xmax": 1743749.6167000001, "ymax": 6092898.8003, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -4020900, "falseY": 1900, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayField": "Name", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "OBJECTID", "domain": null }, { "name": "Name", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Name", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "CFHZ1", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "CFHZ1", "domain": null }, { "name": "Model", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Model", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "SOURCE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "SOURCE", "length": 150, "domain": null }, { "name": "Version", "type": "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias": "Version", "length": 8, "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "SHAPE", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE.STArea()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE.STArea()", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE.STLength()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE.STLength()", "domain": null } ], "geometryField": { "name": "SHAPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "SHAPE" }, "indexes": [ { "name": "R126_pk", "fields": "OBJECTID", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" }, { "name": "S106_idx", "fields": "SHAPE", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" } ], "subtypes": [], "relationships": [], "canModifyLayer": true, "canScaleSymbols": false, "hasLabels": false, "capabilities": "Query,Map,Data", "maxRecordCount": 2000, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "hasM": true, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "isDataVersioned": false, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {"allowOthersToQuery": true}, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportedSpatialRelationships": [ "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "esriSpatialRelContains", "esriSpatialRelCrosses", "esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects", "esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects", "esriSpatialRelOverlaps", "esriSpatialRelTouches", "esriSpatialRelWithin", "esriSpatialRelRelation" ], "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsPercentileStatistics": true, "supportsHavingClause": true, "supportsOrderBy": true, "supportsDistinct": true, "supportsCountDistinct": true, "supportsPagination": true, "supportsLod": false, "supportsQueryWithLodSR": false, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsSqlExpression": true, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsSqlFormat": false, "supportsQueryAnalytic": true }, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "advancedQueryAnalyticCapabilities": { "supportsLinearRegression": true, "supportsAsync": false, "supportsPercentileAnalytic": true }, "dateFieldsTimeReference": null, "preferredTimeReference": null, "datesInUnknownTimezone": false, "hasGeometryProperties": true, "geometryProperties": { "shapeAreaFieldName": "SHAPE.STArea()", "shapeLengthFieldName": "SHAPE.STLength()", "units": "esriMeters", "mapUnits": {"uwkid": 9001} }, "hasMetadata": true, "isDataArchived": false, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "currentVersion": 11.1, "cimVersion": "3.1.0", "id": 3, "name": "CFHA 2 - 100years", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "

Coastal flood hazard zones were developed by 3 different external expert consultants in 2020. The layers are derived by advanced models using empirical calculations including tide gauge and extreme water level analysis, wind records and wave models, and used the 2019 LiDAR DEM.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Three different models were used to construct the coastal flood layers: a full-coastline \u2018bathtub model\u2019 (Tonkin and Taylor, 2020), and two hydrodynamic models for Rangaunu (eCoast, 2020) and Kaipara (DHI, 2019) harbor. 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Coastal flood hazard zones were developed by 3 different external expert consultants in 2020. The layers are derived by advanced models using empirical calculations including tide gauge and extreme water level analysis, wind records and wave models, and used the 2019 LiDAR DEM. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Three different models were used to construct the coastal flood layers: a full-coastline \u2018bathtub model\u2019 (Tonkin and Taylor, 2020), and two hydrodynamic models for Rangaunu (eCoast, 2020) and Kaipara (DHI, 2019) harbor. The reports detailing the methodologies can be accessed from the NRC website.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -4020900, "falseY": 1900, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 1, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "copyrightText": "NRC Natural Hazards; Tonkin + Taylor; DHI; eCoast", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 200000, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 191, 255, 196, 255 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 191, 255, 196, 255 ], "width": 0.4 } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 50, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": true, "extent": { "xmin": 1716880.915, "ymin": 6009057.309, "xmax": 1743749.6464, "ymax": 6092898.8004, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 2193, "latestWkid": 2193, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -4020900, "falseY": 1900, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayField": "Name", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "OBJECTID", "domain": null }, { "name": "Name", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Name", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "CFHZ3", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "CFHZ3", "domain": null }, { "name": "Model", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Model", "length": 100, "domain": null }, { "name": "SOURCE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "SOURCE", "length": 150, "domain": null }, { "name": "Version", "type": "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias": "Version", "length": 8, "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "SHAPE", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE.STArea()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE.STArea()", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE.STLength()", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "SHAPE.STLength()", "domain": null } ], "geometryField": { "name": "SHAPE", "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry", "alias": "SHAPE" }, "indexes": [ { "name": "R128_pk", "fields": "OBJECTID", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" }, { "name": "S108_idx", "fields": "SHAPE", "isAscending": true, "isUnique": true, "description": "" } ], "subtypes": [], "relationships": [], "canModifyLayer": true, "canScaleSymbols": false, "hasLabels": false, "capabilities": "Query,Map,Data", "maxRecordCount": 2000, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "hasM": true, "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "isDataVersioned": false, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {"allowOthersToQuery": true}, "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportedSpatialRelationships": [ "esriSpatialRelIntersects", "esriSpatialRelContains", "esriSpatialRelCrosses", "esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects", "esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects", "esriSpatialRelOverlaps", "esriSpatialRelTouches", "esriSpatialRelWithin", "esriSpatialRelRelation" ], "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "useStandardizedQueries": true, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsPercentileStatistics": true, "supportsHavingClause": true, "supportsOrderBy": true, "supportsDistinct": true, "supportsCountDistinct": true, "supportsPagination": true, "supportsLod": false, "supportsQueryWithLodSR": false, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "supportsQueryWithDatumTransformation": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsSqlExpression": true, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsSqlFormat": false, "supportsQueryAnalytic": true }, "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "advancedQueryAnalyticCapabilities": { "supportsLinearRegression": true, "supportsAsync": false, "supportsPercentileAnalytic": true }, "dateFieldsTimeReference": null, "preferredTimeReference": null, "datesInUnknownTimezone": false, "hasGeometryProperties": true, "geometryProperties": { "shapeAreaFieldName": "SHAPE.STArea()", "shapeLengthFieldName": "SHAPE.STLength()", "units": "esriMeters", "mapUnits": {"uwkid": 9001} }, "hasMetadata": true, "isDataArchived": false, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsDynamicLegends": true, "serviceItemId": "fe4fcf3ed2114462b274d59bc038d475" } ], "tables": [] }