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Projection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM)<\/span>

This layer is based on the <\/font>definitive set of <\/font>Ward boundaries<\/span> for 2020 as defined by the regional councils and Local Government Commission but maintained by Stats NZ (the custodian).<\/font><\/div>

Wards were originally set up within any territorial authority with a population of at least 20,000. Wards are defined under the Local Electoral Act 2001 and result from dividing a territorial authority for electoral purposes. The ward system was designed to allow for the recognition of communities within a territorial authority and to increase community involvement in the local government system.<\/font>

Territorial authorities can now choose whether they would like to maintain electoral wards. As a result, the number of wards has steadily decreased since they were first created in 1989. Ward boundaries are reviewed in the year before the three-yearly local government elections.<\/font>

The official dataset can be found on <\/font><\/font>https://datafinder.stats.govt.nz.<\/a>

This layer contains the following attributes (see data tab):<\/font><\/div>